Calibe After Rocking Bayside |
Let's decide that we are going to (not going to try, but actually going to) be strong, happy, fit, healthy, wealthy and whatever else we want and need to be. I tell it to myself as often as I can and I encourage you to tell it to yourself too.
On a professional note - please visit my website at We just redid the flash and static versions with a fancy new media player and finally the ability for all the fabulous people who support me to buy music.
And back to being inspirational, please also give your thoughts on what I've said here. I wish more people would say they need encouragement sometimes, and be willing to give it to others. I'm happy to say that every now and then when I get an encouraging word from a fan or supporter, it brightens my day. When I see something negative, I try to assess whether someone is trying to be constructive or just being a hater. Haters get deleted, constructive criticism and healthy suggestions are appreciated. That's how I think people should live. It'd make us all so much easier to get along with.
Love, kisses and chocolate to us all!