It's 3 months since my last post and I'm no closer to slowing down. We just got through a crazy weekend. I got some tentative confirmations on some pretty exciting stuff, and slowly but surely people are starting to take notice of what's going on over here.
I had a decent press and public turnout at my video launch this past weekend where I world premiered "Hey DJ" and "Like a Star". It world premiered online on People seem to really like one video or the other, which I'm cool with because I feel like there's something for everyone. They're both over 200 spins on youtube in 2 days but I still feel like that isn't fast enough. I'm getting pretty impatient with life, but it just means I need to work more diligently - not harder necessarily, but definitely more diligently.
My friends are all rock stars. Everybody came together to help make the event a success and my FB friends help in sharing the videos is helping them move along as they are. Its a lot of work with a small team but when we see the results of our efforts, we know its all worth it. So, for your viewing pleasure, here are my new music videos: Hey DJ and Like a Star. Please watch, like and share them where you can. Post them to your own blogs and submit them to anyone looking for material for their blogs. Thanks so much for your support and love. Right back atcha!