Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's My Birthday (almost)

Got some inspiring news over the weekend. The single "It's My Birthday" which was signed to Ultra Records a few weeks ago is tentatively set for release on September 20th. If you live in Miami you'll have heard Power 96 banging it a few months ago. It was pulled from the playlist at a time when it was number 7 most requested on the station. Why, you ask? Sometimes music bureaucracy is beyond human comprehension. No hard feelings 'cause we'll get back up there soon.

Now, this is the dance / reggae record I recorded with rapper 'Ultimate', also signed to Ultimate Domination Records / Blackout Movement. The single should be pushed to top 40 radio this time so in Miami you'll hear it on Y100. Exciting stuff!!! Not sure about a video or when tour dates come up but we are looking forward to having a pretty successful go at it. The fans in Miami, McAllen, Corpus Christi and Long Island really showed us love the first time around. Now we're after the rest of the world. Wouldn't it be great if every day was a party?

Thanks for reading today. Leave me a message. I love the interaction and appreciate your feedback. Of course, I'm counting down until I get the "Great Day" video in hand later this week (or early next week). Straight to youtube and then everywhere else we can place it. Let me know if you have a local station that plays indie artists and we can shoot it to them.

Love you! Keep it upful. Keep it sexy.

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